To The Dancers in The Rain

I didn't believe in anyone / But I found you today
My eyes are not closed / Baby, I still remember
My eyes are not closed / Baby, I still remember
If my words are not that clear / I know my heart is understanding
Every littles kiss of you
I'm your princess for a night / Maybe for ever
We were dancers in the rain / And it still remains
If my words are not that clear / I know my heart is understanding
Every littles kiss.. of you
Just a sunny day in Paris / Please give it back to me
I don't need to be romantic / I just have to be me
My lover is gone / But I'm not on my own
With all these little kisses of you
My lover is gone / But I'm not on my own
With all these little kisses... of you
Every littles kiss of you
I'm your princess for a night / Maybe for ever
We were dancers in the rain / And it still remains
If my words are not that clear / I know my heart is understanding
Every littles kiss.. of you
Just a sunny day in Paris / Please give it back to me
I don't need to be romantic / I just have to be me
My lover is gone / But I'm not on my own
With all these little kisses of you
My lover is gone / But I'm not on my own
With all these little kisses... of you
Libellés : clip / film / chanson
C était Emilie Simon, qui fit la BO de La marche de l empereure !
D elle aussi:
Il pleut
Be Your Dog
....! Une voix fluette une personalité a part un sourire enigmatique une carriere déjà tracée.. ;)
Eugenie Huard, at 13 juillet, 2006 13:14
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